import { Button } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Icon, check, warning } from '@wordpress/icons';
import { installPlugin, activatePlugin } from '@shared/api/wp';
import { useActivityStore } from '@shared/state/activity';
export const RecommendationCard = ({ recommendation }) => {
if (recommendation.pluginSlug) {
The features below are available in Nextend Social Login Pro Addon. Get it today and tweak the awesome settings.
If you already have a license, you can Authorize your Pro Addon. Otherwise you can purchase it using the button below.
Button style | |
Login form | |
Login layout | |
Register form | |
Register layout | |
Billing form | |
Billing layout | |
Account details | |
Button alignment | |
Email template for registration |
Defines whether the registration with Nextend Social Login will send the same registration notification that WooCommerce does, instead of the WordPress default one. |
Buy High Octane Online in the UK<\/p>\n
Hi-Octane<\/a> is a cross of Sunset Sherbert and Octane. It\u2019s perfect for when it\u2019s time to quiet down and go to bed. The strain has been used for numerous crosses and continues to infuse strains with its tasty terpenes. Expect an aroma and flavor that is gassy with a smooth, creamy, and floral finish on the exhale. Next time you are looking for some gas, Hi-Octane might be the right choice. In combination with its super high 19-26% average THC level, these effects give High Octane OG an edge in treating those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain<\/a>, insomnia, muscle spasms or cramps, and appetite loss or nausea. This bud has a classic pungent sour lemon flavor with a heavy spicy herbal exhale. It can treat insomnia, appetite loss, and pain. Ideal for evening and before-bed usage.<\/p>\n In combination with its super high 19-26% average THC level<\/a>, these effects give High Octane OG an edge in treating those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, muscle spasms or cramps, and appetite loss or nausea.<\/p>\n