import { Button } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Icon, check, warning } from '@wordpress/icons';
import { installPlugin, activatePlugin } from '@shared/api/wp';
import { useActivityStore } from '@shared/state/activity';
export const RecommendationCard = ({ recommendation }) => {
if (recommendation.pluginSlug) {
The features below are available in Nextend Social Login Pro Addon. Get it today and tweak the awesome settings.
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Button style | |
Login form | |
Login layout | |
Register form | |
Register layout | |
Billing form | |
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Button alignment | |
Email template for registration |
Defines whether the registration with Nextend Social Login will send the same registration notification that WooCommerce does, instead of the WordPress default one. |
Buy Master OG strain (AAA+) Online UK<\/p>\n
Master OG<\/a> is a strong-smelling breed that will instantly get you hooked with its super tempting aroma alone. This bud is an ideal medical strain but is also a flavorful recreational strain that is growing its fanbase by the minute, due to its relaxing and cerebrally invigorating effects.<\/p>\n The Master OG is a 50-50 indica\/sativa mix with powerful indica<\/a> qualities that will take your breath away. It\u2019s claimed to be the result of combining Master Kush strains with Empress Kush, resulting in a sour-smelling and citrus-tasting hybrid flower that matures into a modest-yielding medium-sized plant.<\/p>\n The OG is a beautiful evening strain that is known for its ability to calm even the most furious person. Its effects are relaxing and will slow you down, so if you\u2019re seeking the ideal strain to spend a night in with, look no further because it\u2019s right in front of you.<\/p>\n This strain is ideal for boosting a good mood and making you laugh without any control. When you smoke this variety, you are likely to get hungry, and it will make you feel happy, uplifted, and contagious to everyone around you.<\/p>\n The aroma of Master OG is very strong, and you will be tempted by it as soon as you smell it. Its scent is drenched with a wide range of dankness, combined with touches of fresh pine and citrus fruits, completing the sour notes that remind you of citrus fruits.<\/p>\n The taste of Master OG is as delicious as its effects. If you enjoy sour tastes, this flower will be right up your alley. On inhalation, you\u2019re likely to get a strong earthy flavour with a burst of citrus. On the exhale, you\u2019re more likely to detect a sticky pine aftertaste that lingers on your tongue. Master OG\u2019s buds are beautiful, dense, and lime green, with orange pistils poking through a coating of white trichomes.<\/p>\n Some of the side effects associated with Master Kush\u2019s strong personality include a dry mouth sensation that is frequently accompanied by dry and itchy eyes, so you might want to use eye drops as a precaution.<\/p>\n A bit of dizziness, which is usually caused by the high indica nature of this strain, is among the most frequent negative effects. Master OG can make you feel paranoid and anxious in some situations, but this typically occurs when you\u2019ve had too much.<\/p>\n