import { Button } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Icon, check, warning } from '@wordpress/icons';
import { installPlugin, activatePlugin } from '@shared/api/wp';
import { useActivityStore } from '@shared/state/activity';
export const RecommendationCard = ({ recommendation }) => {
if (recommendation.pluginSlug) {
return ;
return ;
const LinkCard = ({ recommendation }) => {
const { by, slug, description, image, title, linkType } = recommendation;
const { incrementActivity } = useActivityStore();
if (!recommendation?.[linkType]) return null;
return (
rel="noopener noreferrer"
className="cursor-pointer rounded border border-gray-200 bg-transparent p-4 text-left text-base no-underline hover:border-design-main hover:bg-gray-50 rtl:text-right">
{by &&
const InstallCard = ({ recommendation }) => {
const { by, slug, description, image, title, pluginSlug } = recommendation;
const { incrementActivity } = useActivityStore();
return (
className="rounded border border-gray-200 bg-transparent p-4 text-left text-base rtl:text-right">
{by &&
const InstallButton = ({ pluginSlug }) => {
const [installing, setInstalling] = useState(false);
const [status, setStatus] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
const { installedPlugins, activePlugins } = window.extSharedData;
const hasPlugin = (p) => p?.includes(pluginSlug);
const installed = Object.values(installedPlugins).some(hasPlugin);
const active = Object.values(activePlugins).some(hasPlugin);
if (installed) setStatus('inactive');
if (active) setStatus('active');
}, [pluginSlug, setStatus]);
const handleClick = async () => {
try {
await installPlugin(pluginSlug);
} catch (_) {
// Fail silently if the plugin is already installed
try {
await activatePlugin(pluginSlug);
} catch (_) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
if (status === 'error') {
return (
{__('Error', 'extendify-local')}
if (status === 'active') {
return (
{__('Active', 'extendify-local')}
if (status === 'inactive') {
return (
? __('Activating...', 'extendify-local')
: __('Activate', 'extendify-local')}
return (
? __('Installing...', 'extendify-local')
: __('Install Now', 'extendify-local')}
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